February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
1m read
It’s been a few weeks since the launch of our new mobile app, and the feedback has been rolling in. Here are a few testimonies from our users that I wanted to share with you:
"Thank you for all the work done on making this app look and sound beautiful. Keep it up! May the work done here result in the broadening of God's last-day work, and may we see our Lord coming even sooner. God bless the teachers, preachers, designers, and all others who make AudioVerse the rich blessing it is." - Nathanael
"Hello my brother Alistair, I just wanted to share my gratitude for the incredible user experience you and your team have put together on the new AudioVerse app. It certainly reflects the quality of the content you are delivering in the app. Thank you for the attention to detail and the obvious hard and long effort that has gone into it. May many find relevant and experiential truth in the “pages” of this new and updated version of the app! And may God continue to provide and grow this ministry, ever going even where no man has gone before, that the end time message will be proclaimed to every nation, tongue, and people, hastening the return of our Saviour and Lord!" - Dosung
We are very grateful for the encouraging words we’ve heard from many of our users, and we are happy to hear how they are enjoying the new app. This was possible only through YOUR generous support, so a big THANK YOU to you as well, for your part in enabling these upgrades to be possible.
Nevertheless, we also know the new app has been a big change for some of our other users, so to help them become more familiar with the app, we’ve created a short video to help them as they get started.
We encourage the users who find the new app unfamiliar, to watch this video and take a few minutes to browse around and experiment with the new user interface. We’re sure it will be second nature before you know it.
And remember, while logging into your account will allow access to the full suite of features in the app, you are not required to log in. Anyone may continue to use the app as a guest for free.
Here are also a few tips that can really enhance the user experience compared to our old app.
Saving a Collection (such as a Series, Conference, Sponsor, Speaker, etc.) to your Library is a way to create a quick shortcut to your favorite content.
Here are just a few examples of how you can use this feature:
Because there are so many presenters in our archive, it is far quicker to use the search bar than browsing through the full list of presenters.
Simply type in the speaker’s name in the search bar, and our new app will categorize the results so you can find the speaker quickly along with the series, teachings, and conferences that he or she is associated with. This is also a great way to find a specific sponsor or sermon.
There are also multiple ways now to navigate the content archives. You can use the search bar as I’ve just shared, and you can also browse the “Collections” page which shows you the most recent releases in each content category, or you can always open the “More” menu to find where you want to go.
When you scroll down the “Discover” page, you will see the recent teachings, trending list, blog posts, and more. Keep your eyes on this page because we have a lot of ideas on how to make this landing page more dynamic and personalized for users in the future.
And of course, the audio Bible is always front and center as the central button in our navigation tray at all times.
But one of the biggest improvements in the new app is the ability to easily see the contextual relationships and navigate between the various levels of the content hierarchy. So when you look at a specific message, you can quickly see the series, conference, and sponsor it is associated with and go to any of those pages. And when you visit a speaker’s page, you’ll now see all the conferences and series that he or she has been a part of.
We appreciate all the feedback we’ve received from our listeners so far. There have been lots of great suggestions that we will be working on implementing soon as we continue improving the experience on the app for all our users.
Users like Talia, who shared the message below, reminds me of the spiritual significance of the technology work that we do:
"AudioVerse is a treasure chest full of beautiful teaching and resources! I love being able to recommend it to friends and family. The world has nothing to offer and I'm so blessed by this app that shares the bread of life! We love listening to missionary stories with the kids in the car, teachings from different conferences and of course powerful sermons. It's my go-to app on my phone! Thank you so much for the work you are putting into this media outlet. May God continue to use it to reach a hurting world." - Talia
But this work requires ongoing investment, so your financial partnership is vital for us to continue making progress. Please consider becoming a donor to invest in the future developments of the AudioVerse platform!
To give a one-time gift or to set up recurring donations, visit our donate page. Or you may give by check to our address below.
Thank you and please share this app with your friends!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315