February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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Dear AudioVerse Friend,
This is a special invitation for you to try out the beta version of our new and improved AudioVerse website!
To get started, simply visit: https://beta.audioverse.org
Our team has been working diligently over the past year to build this new experience for you, and we are excited for you to start using it. Since this is a beta version, this is not the final release which means not all of the features are fully operational. We’re offering you the opportunity to take it for a test drive and all we ask is for you to help us by reporting any bugs, issues, or feedback that you may have. Your participation will be incredibly helpful in making the final release a better experience for everyone.
To submit feedback, simply email us at: beta@audioverse.org
The following are some of the key features we have ready for you to check out right now in the beta.
New Interface. The first thing you will notice is the completely refreshed interface that employs modern design principles and best practices. The experience in the browser on your computer and the mobile experience on your phone should be far more seamless and integrated. The new interface also strives to give you greater functionality with less friction.
Streamlined Organization of Content. We’ve also spent a lot of time rethinking the best way to organize and display content. You will notice that different categories are now coded by color to help you find things at-a-glance. Moreover, rather than simply showing you listings of individual recordings, messages are now grouped, nested, and connected in new, integrated ways to allow you to more effortlessly navigate between them and to easily grasp the context of how they are related. It’s never been easier to find what you’re looking for and to start listening right away.
Mini Player. Now you can listen to a message even as you browse and navigate around the site. The new mini player will show you the essential info and controls for what you’re listening to or viewing, so you don’t need to worry about losing your place if you navigate away. In the mobile browser, the mini player is replaced with a persistent button in the upper corner for easy, one-click access to your recording wherever you are on the site.
Your Personal Library. Have you ever browsed through a list only to see multiple messages you’d like to listen to and wished there was an easy way to save them for later? Now there is. With a simple tap of the bookmark button, you can add any message, series, speaker, conference, etc. to your library without disrupting what you are doing. The library will neatly organize them for you to come back to when you’re ready.
There are some other features that we plan to have ready before the final release of the website that will be added to the beta in the coming weeks. Here are a few to look forward to.
Progress Syncing. There’s nothing more frustrating than to stop a message partway, only to come back later and have it start from the very beginning. Now, what if AudioVerse not only saves your spot on the current message you’re listening to, but to previous ones as well? And what if that progress can be synced to your other devices, so you can pick up right where you left off no matter where you are? Soon, you can.
Started, Not Started, Finished, and History. The library will also be built out to help you see quickly what messages you haven’t started, all of the ones you’re in process, which ones you’ve finished, and the full history of your listening history.
Native Language User Interface. The beta is currently only running in English, but we are working to get the full interface of our other language sites translated into the native languages to be ready for launch.
These are just a few of the updates we think you will really enjoy in the new AudioVerse experience. But many of these features are only possible if you are a logged in user, so if you haven’t already, be sure to create an account and sign in today!
We are excited to fully launch the new AudioVerse experience as soon as we can, but we want to make sure that it is as stable as can be first. That is why we need as many people to help test out the new beta and give us their feedback as possible. Our aim is to fully launch the site to all our users before the end of 2021.
Shortly after the launch of the new website, we will finish up our development of our Android and iOS mobile apps. Our aim is to get those apps in your hands in early 2022.
Enter the Beta right now: https://beta.audioverse.org
This monumental project is possible only because of your generous financial support. Software development is a costly endeavor and while our team manages to do a great deal with much less relative to the broader industry, it still requires continued, committed investment. Technology does not stand still, and to ensure that we are rightly representing the value of the Truth we share and to make that Truth is as easily accessible to as many as possible, we cannot stand still either.
What I’ve shared today is only the start of many other important features and innovations that we still need to build. We realize that if our technology doesn't meet the standards of quality that our users new and old are accustomed to, it would become a barrier to them receiving the Truth. So your continued financial support is vital to allow our team to continue the development which will bring the Everlasting Gospel to even more people in the future. We have a lot of exciting new developments in store for 2022, but it will only come to fruition with your help.
As we approach the holiday season, please prayerfully consider supporting this great work with a financial contribution today. You may give online at our donate page, or by check to our address below. If you wish to give by credit card without the ministry incurring a credit card transaction fee, simply select the PayPal Giving Fund option on our donate page. Also, as you do your holiday shopping, consider using our AmazonSmile link to support us at no extra cost to you.
Click here to support future AudioVerse software development: Donate now
Gratefully yours,
Alistair Huong
Executive Director, AudioVerse
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN | 37315