February 18, 2025
AdAgrA Conference 2025: Growing Better
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For who has despised the day of small things? – Zechariah 4:10
15 years ago, a small thing happened. Two young graduate students at Loma Linda University started a simple website to distribute sermons from their local Sabbath school. And from that small beginning, AudioVerse has grown to impact countless lives across every continent of the earth each and every year.
172 years ago, a small thing happened. A poor minister started printing a little paper at the behest of his wife. (Who in turn got the idea from a very reliable source!) And from that small beginning, the Review and Herald was born, and Adventist publishing and media work has grown to be like “streams of light that went clear round the world” (LS 125).
Roughly 2,000 years ago, another small thing happened. A poor baby boy was born in a stable in Bethlehem. And from that small beginning, the glory of God was revealed to the world, the love of God was manifested in the flesh, and the salvation of God was made freely available to all mankind.
Indeed, who has despised the day of small things?
I am thankful that the Christmas season reminds us to pause and contemplate the birth of Christ each year—the beginning of Christianity, the core of our Biblical worldview, and the fulcrum of the ages. Without Him, our reason for being would cease to exist. It is His life, death, and resurrection that gives meaning and purpose for all that we hold dear.
For when Ellen gave James the encouragement to start printing his little paper, what good would that tiny periodical have done if Christ had not come? The power of Christ’s Gospel was what propelled the Adventist message through the publishing and media ministry to have a lasting influence on the world.
And similarly, without the vision of our Adventist pioneers to use media to advance the work of the Gospel, where would AudioVerse be? It is ultimately the person of Jesus—His life, His message, and His promises that propels us in all we do. Truly, if Jesus had not come the first time, there would be no purpose in us proclaiming His coming the second time!
So during this Christmas season, I am thankful that for the past 15 years, AudioVerse has been one of those “streams of light” that began 172 years ago when Adventist media had its beginning, which in turn was only carrying the light sparked in that humble stable 2,000 years ago. May that light burn ever brighter until He comes again!
Over these last 15 years, AudioVerse has been supported entirely through the generosity of our listeners just like you. I’ve heard many times some of these friends express, almost apologetically, that they can only give a small amount. But who has despised the day of small things? The impact of all these “small” gifts have amounted to a huge impact that is felt around the world every day.That same baby born in the manger can still multiply our loaves and fishes for His glory today!
So as we come to the end of this year, I invite you to carry the light of Jesus with us into 2021. Your support, whether large or small, will enable His Everlasting Gospel to continue to shine in the whole world. We believe the world must know that He is coming soon!
You may give at our donate page online, or by check to our mailing address below.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Alistair Huong
Executive Director
P.S. One other small thing happened recently. A Place to Do Something is joining us as an official ministry of AudioVerse! Check out our newsletter here to find out more about this exciting new ministry and how you can be a part of it!
AudioVerse | PO Box 2288 | Collegedale | TN 37315